Thursday, February 16, 2012

Can We Really Achieve Diversity?

According to Einstein's article " Diversity & the FCC", how diversity is achieved in media programming is very complex and has a long history. Einstein begins her article by discussing how policy makers use two  methods to create diverse programming, these include FCC regulations and open market factors. These two methods help create diversity for the fragmented audience that tune in to watch TV programs. Einstein in her article tackles the struggle programming networks have had in incorporating diversity in their programming.

Since 1934, broadcasters were told that their goal is to serve the public interests.  Einstein goes on to explain the long history of TV and Radio programming acts that have been created in the media industry. One of the acts that she explains, is the Radio Act that was put into place in 1912,  this act allows for anyone to send information across the airwaves. This Act was later  revoked because the government felt they needed  to regulate the airwaves because there were to many voice on the air waves. After explaining the media acts in TV and Radio, Einstein discusses the diversity acts that have developed over the past few years. In fact, one of the biggest impact diversity acts that was established was the Children Diversity Act of 1990, which stated diverse programming for children was to be both informative and educational.

Einstein, concludes her article by explaining how the FCC has struggled to find and maintain diversity in the media industry. The News Media through time has been forced to develop new economic models in order to achieve diverse programming. Einstein leaves me to question how the Media industry will every be able to achieve complete diversity in programmings with so many FCC regulations and forced economic models.

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