Thursday, September 1, 2011

Traditions of media industry scholarship

Joseph Turow’s (1997) “power roles” framework

- offers an alternative model of power than those found in both political economy and production of cultural studies.

“The uses of resources by one organization to gain compliance by another organization”

- A broad way of summarizing the relationship between the economy, politics and its direct connection to the media of today.

- Media is a business controlled by the politics of the time and economic factors.

- Human role in the relationship is minuscule, “extensions of institutional interests.”

- Interconnection between media and political economics.

I don’t know if my framework is correct in describing the relationships between media and political economy, however it offers a “rudimentary but productive conceptualization of power.” It gives the reader a large-scale approach to the topic. I think the ties between media and culture is far more complex; however there is a connection and underlying ties between the economy, policies, politics and the media. They use each other in different ways, usually in a beneficial and all encompassing approach.

I agree with their belief that culture plays a large role in the media industries, also I believe that economics plays a major role as well. They both need to each other and need to work in compliance to gain power.

The government plays a major role in shaping the culture and media of today, but the government uses to media to gain compliance with other resources. There has to be a connection between the three.

Key Words

*Power sharing* *cultural studies* *power roles*

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