Friday, September 23, 2011

Media Matrix

Curtin defines a media matrix as a flexible and dynamic mode of communication. It has multiple sites of productivity and a divers rage of uses. I would define the media matrix as the fusion of technology and media (in this case TV). As technology improves, viewers will have more formats to watch the programs they enjoy. This can be seen in the timeline of TV mediums: VHS, DVD, DVR, and the internet. We also can see the effects of video games and cable TV as technological improvements that drain away market shares from major broadcasting channels. People now receive entertainment and enjoyment from video games due to their interactivity. As seen by the release of Super Smash Bros. consumers may choose to play games instead of watching primetime TV. With cable TV more niche audiences are addressed. Broadcast TV is forced to gain as wide as audience as possible. With the invention of cable, new producers could create content for minority groups broadcast TV may have excluded. The media matrix gives viewers more options and choice when they would like to watch programs, which is good for them, but bad for producers.

Media industries fear technological shifts due to views finding new ways to receive content without having to deal with advertisements. Producers give their content away for “free” expecting to receive money from advertisers. But with the dip in ratings and content that can be illegally accessed, advertisers became weary of the old system. With so much at stake, producers came up with a way to gain back the attention of their audiences and possibly gain new ones thorough muli- platforming. Broadcast TV stations purchase cable networks that are directed at specific markets. They have embraced new technology by creating a 360 world, full of blogs, videos, games, interactive twitters ect. Advertisers were delighted with all the new ways technology allowed them to connect with their consumers. Advertisers also knew their advertisements would be targeted to the correct group because of the niche specificity that comes with new technology. We can see this 360 strategy works because advertisers are paying producers more than ever. The media matrix has allowed producers to create more ways to bring in advertisements, but they still fear consumer’s ability to get their product for free.

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