Thursday, September 15, 2011

Media Matrix: Which is better the blue or the red pill?

In this case the question isn't between the red or the blue pill, it's a question of accepting new knowledge or trying to hold on to the old ways of doing things. This is the problem that is being caused within media industries today as they try and tackle the media matrix. Curtin defines the media matrix as a complex but flexible system that allows different modes of media to occur simultaneously. In other words, having media texts and other technology upgrades associated with them, available in multiple forms beyond just television. This change to a media matrix occurred to DVRs, the competition of video games, and the writer's strike that brought network ratings down. This all led to the forced shift to the media matrix.

The creation of the media matrix reveals the struggle between media and advancing technology. Media industries depend on technology in order to function. When the television was first created it was a brand new medium that was taken advantage of and that brought about a whole new industry. Now things are moving beyond just TV and the broadcasting networks. In order to survive these networks must change to media matrix systems in order to compete with the other channels. This is the fear. Once the ratings went down on broadcasting networks in 2008 major changes occurred in order to be reoriented into the advanced ways of television. Fear of being left behind in an age that is developing faster than an industry has forced networks into the future. Television is the perfect example of an industry being dependent on technology while still fearing it.

The industry seems to continually resist the change that is inevitable and necessary for their survival. One reason for this may be that technology is moving too fast. By having this huge commercial system, change takes time to trickle down, so by the time the new changes have been made, it is time to make another. The TV industry must find a new way to embrace technology in order to keep up with technology and their viewers.

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