This is the class blog for Denison University's Communication 315-01: The Business of Media.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Coca-Cola Seeks Shop to Mine Social Web
Read the article here
Coca Cola has announced a hunt for an agency to help with social media monitoring. Ad Age reports that currently 20 companies are in contention and vying for the chance to monitor billion dollar brands such as: Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, Minute Maid, Powerade, Vitamin Water and Dasani. "Our goal is to identify a consistent agency and format for conducting social-media monitoring," Kerry Tressler, a Coca-Cola spokeswoman said. "We want to yield the most information about what consumers are saying about our brands, so we know what they are looking for."
Some executives in the ad world are likening Coca-Cola's strategy to that of Gatorade's "Mission Control" initiative last year. Gatorade dedicated an actual space, complete with monitoring screens and analytic tools to follow social media discussions of their products in real time. Such efforts led to Gatorade's new advertisements.
This story is of particular interest for the future of advertising within large corporations. With the advents of Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, and other social media resources companies are changing the way they analyze their consumer. Immediate feedback, criticism and praise of their products and media usage is now a standard. The future of social media monitoring may lead to a more discursive and engaging atmosphere between producer and customer but also lends itself to the possibility of over invasion into consumer life by a corporation.
DreamWorks Animation partners with China's leading online video site
What Netflix Could Teach Hollywood
Yahoo Television
I found an article from the Business Insider that discusses the release of Yahoo’s new TV lineup an argues it could save the companies entire TV division and keep the idea of web television alive. Megan Angelo points out five different reasons why this could potentially be a big hit for Yahoo. First, the company is not working with small no-name actors; they have some well known celebrities headlining some of their shows. They have a former studio head, Ben Silverman, running their new network and they are producing mostly reality shows, which are a lot easier to sell and so not require a lot of buildup. Yahoo is in a good position because they already receive millions of viewers a day to their website. Therefore, advertising will not be an issue and getting the content in front of the general population will be easy.
I found this to be particularly interesting because the internet seems to be taking over various industries, and now television shows are going to be hit even harder than they already were with Megavideo and Hulu. Once the internet begins producing its own shows, it will be even harder to studios to produce shows people will sit down and watch at a certain time when they have other options online. This is just another example of how the internet is changing the game and causing a stir in industries that have previously had no unique forms of competition.
Who Was Behind @Irene? An Agency, Of Course.
Advertisers Will Pour In for Fox UFC Package
A Decade Later: The Paley Center for Media Remembers September 11
A Decade Later: The Paley Center for Media Remembers September 11
A decade later, the tragedy of September 11th has not only shaped our hearts but also our news media. The article posses the question, why we as a nation and other media sources should celebrate/honor a day when we were attacked. But then follows up with the notion that news media and television shows have significantly changed after the 9/11 attacks.
I found this article interesting because it marks a historical change in our daily media. As the article stated, prior to the attacks we did not here much about Taliban or Al-Qaeda but it has now become apart of our everyday media. With that being said I also find it interesting how much power the media has over us viewers, the media will determine what is relevant to the American culture. This idea of relevancy leads me to my next point. The media is a great tool to stay updated in local and global events however I believe it can be very biases with the information shared. In all our media structures will continue to evolve overtime coinciding with global and local events.
AMC Considering "Postgame" Shows for Scripted Programming
One of my favorite things about watching sports, particularly football, is the postgame shows. Even after watching the entire game, its always interesting to hear the studio analysts discuss the events of the game that just happened (even if they are completely wrong and infuriating to listen to). Similarly, I am always looking for reviews of TV shows and movies that I have just seen, with the expectation of reading about something I may have missed or did not think about when watching the show. Currently, TV shows have their own version of "postgame" shows only in the realm of reality TV: Jersey Shore, Real World etc. often have a reaction show after, explaining what had happened, giving interviews with the cast and providing fans with more information about shows that they had just watched.
This article is interesting because the idea of AMC, arguably the top producer of high-end shows (Mad Men, Breaking Bad etc.), is considering adding a type of post-show to their prominent series. Because these series are so complex and have long narratives based on the previous history of the program, these types of shows would be able to help bring in new fans to well acclaimed (yet not necessarily well viewed) shows while catering to hard core fans who are attempting to form their own conclusions about the show and its major themes. I like to compare watching these shows to reading a good novel when trying to explain their appeal people who haven't seen them: its television, but if you do not know what happened earlier, you aren't paying attention to every minute of every scene, or the show uses confusing or oblique metaphors to convey the story, there will be something that will be missed in the narrative. I'm sure this type of show has been attempted before (I didn't watch Lost, but I recall people talking about recap shows), but it is very interesting that AMC is considering these recap shows for all of their original programming.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
ESPN and Xbox
I found this article using a link posted to Blackboard. This article immediately interested me because it dealt with two things I enjoy sports and videogames. The article goes on to discuss how ESPN is creating an app for Xbox which will allow Xbox Live Gold subscribers to watch games live. Other features the application include; the ability to watch two games side by side, control both games as if they are on DVR, viewers also have the option of viewing highlights of other games on one side of the screen while still viewing a live game. This app would also work with Xbox Kinect which would allow the users to control the games completely without a remote using their bodies.
There is however a few negative aspects to viewing live sports in this fashion. The main problem being the picture quality of games being broadcast through Xbox Live will not be as high quality. The second problem is licensing agreements must be met with the leagues like NFL and meeting these can become very expensive.
I’m very curious to see how this will play out and if ESPN and Xbox will actually be able to work out the licensing agreements. If this all does get worked out it would be a great way to watch some games.
Social Media Giants
Giants Bring Twitter To Games, Broadcasts
We've seen a lot of famous athletes light up Twitter recently, and now professional teams like the New York Giants are using the site to increase fan interaction before during and after games. Basically, the entire integration is an attempt to further connect the fans (who pay the organizational bills through their support) to the product on the field.
The Cleveland Indians case is similar, in that they are also using the social media site to connect the users more closely with the team that they follow.
Amazon Said to Strike Licensing Deal With Sony
Social Media State-by-State Guide for Hurricane Irene
Tyler, The Creator Wins Top Artist at VMA's
I found this article via fox news and it caught my attention for several reasons. First off, I've been a fan of Tyler, the Creator (an up and coming hip hop artist) for a while now, and was following him far before he made a real name for himself in the industry. Also, the article does make a good point...not many people have heard of him, and his song was not high scoring on the charts. The article was short and to the point, but the point was well made...
The article starts with explaining lady gaga's oddities, which are always amusing, and then asks the reader whether or not anyone has ever heard of this rapper. The real question, in my opinion (and coming from a fan of Tyler, the Creator), was his song "Yonkers" really worthy of a top pick at the VMA's. The answer is up for debate, but I really don't think its a yes. I like his music, but its a little strange and dark and I've recently heard several other artists who've made more of an impression on me than him.
Regardless, I thought the article was interesting, and brings up a good point.
Weather Channel's Ratings Surge with Irene
The State of the News Media
I came across this article on the Blackboard Online Resources page and it interested me because I wanted to see how print news compared to online news. As expected, newspapers appear to be a dying industry, according to the article. The reason is because more people are "going digital." They save money by doing so but at the same time, newspapers are dying and people are losing their jobs.
In the "key findings" section of the article, a chart shows that the number of online users increased by 17.1 percent from 2009 to 2010 while the number of newspaper and magazine users decreased by 5.0 and 8.9 percent, respectively.
In that same section, though, I was rather surprised to see the decrease of cable TV users (decreased by 13.7 percent).
Spanish-language media suffering less than mainstream outlets
Monday, August 29, 2011
Twitter: Response to Disaster
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Once you've accepted my invitation to join the blog, be sure to create a new post (to practice the posting thing). For that first post, use the Online Resources found on our course Blackboard page to find an article (or two!) that interest you. In your post, do a short summary of the issue covered by the articles, and explain why it interested you.
And be sure to print off a copy of the article(s) to bring with you to class on Wednesday! We'll be using them for an in-class activity.
Let me know if you have any questions!